Biyernes, Hunyo 8, 2012

Unexpected Hapiness!

               Such a long tiring week... By the way, school will start already in a few more days and I have to say goodbye to Internet! But I have a great news to tell you guys! Since you already know how dedicated I am to Catherine Thomas I have to say YESS! She is a big part of the Good & Great news that I will tell all of you! So here's the good news! TAADAA!

Queen Catherine follows me!!! I jumped as high as I can when I've checked all my followers and I've seen her name! Woohoo! I'm really happy that before my summer ends it has been more productive because I have been into the world of Fashion like attending the Philippine Fashion Week, Getting to Know some models like Queen Catherine, Mommy Ashley, Raina Hein & etc. they're so many to mention! Haha :> . This is one of the shortest blog I've ever made because I have only shared a very Great news (Sorry 'bout that!) But before I end my blog please don't forget to follow Queen Catherine! Here's the link Please follow her immediately! @QueenCatherine_. Well Good Mornight because it's already 12:47 AM here in the Philippines. Hope you enjoy reading it! I love you guys!


Biyernes, Hunyo 1, 2012

Queen of the Era

               Konnichiwa! I made this blog for my Idol, Queen Catherine Thomas. This is dedicated to her, in this blog you can see how dedicated I am for Queen Catherine. Hope you enjoy reading it.

First these are all the retweets and the reply to my tweets that Queen Catherine replied to me and its already 11. Feels like Heaven. <3

I also made Queen Catherine a poem with the title "Queen of the Era" . I think she view it already on twitter. So I'll just share it to my fellow bloggers. :D

I hope you guys will enjoy reading my happiness. She made my summer more happier! Even yours also she can make it happier just be a good friend to her too! Follow her on twitter @QueenCatherine_. I love you guys! :]


Lunes, Mayo 28, 2012

A Magical Experience: Bench PFW

               My whole summer is definitely a productive one! Did you know why? My dreams already come true because of Bench, Allison  Harvard & Dominique Reighard! Here's the whole story on how I've seen them personally! :">
              Last May 26 at around 3:00 in the afternoon I've received a tweet from @Benchtm congratulating me because I'm one of the lucky 50 winners who will see Michael Cinco's Fashion Show, I was really happy at that time I jumped up and down over and over again and shouted loud as I can because this is my first ever fashion show that I will attend and I will see my Idol Allison Harvard & Dominique Reighard in the runway Live! And then, I was waiting for the Direct message for hours but none! I don't know why so I just followed what my friends have done! After a few hours, as I was updating my twitter I've seen another promo for Rajo Revolution and I keep tweeting it until it reached up to 100+ and YES! I did won the promo ,Again. I really can't sleep at that evening I kept thinking about meeting Alli and Dominique on the show.

             Then at May 27, probably the most happiest day in my summer. I woke up at 9:30 AM, after eating my breakfast I already prepare my dress I actually wore a white casual dress, I also prepared my bag and my things to bring: Valid ID, Camera, Cellphone & Gift for Allison! At 3:00 in the afternoon we already leave our house it was a 2-3hours of travel before we reached the Mall of Asia, we almost got lost in there because the Mall of Asia was HUGE!! As  I enter the SMX Convention Center ( It was my first time to go there!) I was amazed by the architecture of the building also the people in that building almost all of them are fashionistas! So, the Michael Cinco's Fashion show will be on the Function room 4 at the 2nd floor BTW, I also have an acrophobia that's why I'm really scared in taking the escalator! Then I've already seen a long line to the Function Room 4, we waited for almost an hour and a half and Finally! we are already entering the room it's really cold inside and as we enter the room it really smells great... Maybe, the IMPALPABLE was sprayed all over the room! Then the ladies gave me a sample of the perfume as I smell it, It's really great! I also saw the ad campaign of Impalpable perfume with Allison Harvard then as the show started I can't stop taking pictures! I can't really help myself so I decided to stand up! As Allison walk the runway I feel very magical my heart can't stop beating very fast! and also I've noticed something Allison has two moles in her back! #RandomFacts! As the show ended me and my new friend Kate, hurriedly go to the backstage to give Allison our gifts! Luckily, I gave her my gift personally! She's so nice we want to take picture with her but she has an another show to go. She looked like a living doll! While Dominique look like a Living Godess! So, as we leave the backstage my friend forgot her phone in the paper bag she gave to Allison. We hurried to find her but she was already gone! :( But still it was my luckiest and happiest day of my summer. It was a long way trip back to my home but I slept inside the car with a big smile on my face. :D

A very Magical Place I was talking about!

Is it just me or Allison is really stunning?

Allison killing the runway!

It's Ben Chan, the owner of Bench

The first gown to kill the runway.

The second gown.

The 3rd and my most favorite gown of all.

The 4th and last gown before Dominique and Allison.

It's Dominique Reighard, Sorry it's blurred. 

Allison in the swing.

Michael Cinco with Allison & Dominique.

It's Michael Cinco!

The scary escalator! ://
-All photos in this blog are original and I took it personally-


Martes, Mayo 15, 2012

My Fave Brits on ANTM Cycle 18!

               Konnichiwa! I decided to make my first Idol Blog (that's what I call it :D ) about my favorite Brits on America's Next Top Model Cycle 18 and they are :Ms. Sophie Sumner(Intoxibella!), Ms. Catherine Thomas (The Queen) & last but not the least my Mommy Ashley Brown ( Mommy Ash!). I'm really happy that they can see my tweets in the twitter just like the three of them they even reply to my tweets and even retweets some  posts and I really appreciate it! I even brag it into my mother and brother but they just get annoyed to me :> Hehehe.
Here's some reply from Queen Catherine. :D

Keep those questions coming in :D still got a couple of hours yet before I film my new vlog :) xx

While here's the one from Mommy Ashley!

Jus bak from th library with my wee jay! <3

Catherine Thomas a.k.a Queen Catherine
               Queen Catherine is from Britain's & America's next top Model Cycle 18 in BNTM she got 2nd place while in ANTM she got 6th place. I really thought that she will make it far in ANTM because of her rank and her skills in BNTM but still she did her best so I'll still support her. She's also a youtube-r and she is also fund of making vlogs and she have her own website :  where she post her blogs. I really enjoy reading her blogs because she really explains it carefully. She's one of my favorite because besides that she is pretty I think she is also a bubbly person and fun-to-be with. How I wish that I will meet all of them. I also adore her because even she's a great and fun person her photos will still be Fierce and Bam! Bam! Bam! That's why I really appreciate their replies to my tweets even it's that simple. I wish that she will read this so I'll be leaving a message dedicated to her:
                " Hi! Ms. Catherine Thomas. My name is Maureen Rose Laudencia from Philippines and I am one of your fans here in PH. I really want to have this opportunity to greet you a Good day! ( hehehe) I hope you will be fine in your daily life and God speed I also hope you will have a great career ahead! I love you and *hugs and kisses* from Me! I hope you will remember my name and I will be the happiest person in the world! I also want to say thank you for adding me to your Q&A vlog. Love you very much! Mwah! I hope you can visit Philippines and I will be the first one to wellcome you! :D If you've read this please reply to my tweets and tell me what do you think of it. Thanks a lot! xoxo"

Ashley Brown a.k.a Mommy Ash
              Mommy Ashley Brown is also from Britain's and America's next top model Cycle 18 in BNTM she got 4th place and in ANTM she got 9th place. I really love her accent because it's unique and she is very bubbly and she has a very very great personality I really wish that my mom and her will be in our house her children will be so lucky that they have a mom like her. I still don't know if she have a youtube account or a blog/tumblr but I can send her some tweets in her official twitter. And YES! she replies to my tweets. She is a fun to be with person and her pictures are very stunning that if you see her in the pictures you won't think that her personality is like that. If she will read this blog here's my message for her:
                " Hellooo Mommy Ash! I'm Maureen Rose Laudencia from Philippines and I'm one of your 1000 of fans with your lovely accent. I also love to say " HELLO THERE! " I wish that you'll remember my name MAUREEN and I hope that you will have a great career and I also hope that your kids will grow into  very healthy kids and they will be polite and God-fearing kids. I love you and * hugs hugs hugs a very big hug*  from me! If you've read this letter or whatever you call it please reply to my tweets and let me know what do you think of it. Thank you very much Mommy Ash!xoxo "

Sophie Sumner a.k.a Intoxibella
                Ms. Sophie is also from Britain's and America's next top model Cycle 18 in BNTM she is a runner up while she is still on the running in ANTM. I really hope she will be the winner in ANTM because she really deserves it she produces fierce fierce photos she has a great personality and she has a nice runway walk which I've seen in their past challenges. She have a tumblr : which she posts things like a diary on whats happening to her. Sophie is one of my faves because she has a very bubbly bubbly bubbly personality that I really hope she could be my friend. She sometimes reply to my tweets. I really enjoy their " Sophie and Ashley Show" ( that's what I call it! Sorry :x ) If she reads this i would like to say these things:
                 " Good day Ms. Sophie!!! I'm Maureen Rose Laudencia from Philippines and I am one of your thousands of fans here in PH. I would really want to say " HELOO and I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!" I wish you all of the best in your career, family and lovelife ( hehehe) .I wish that you'll remember me even though I'm just a normal fan like the other people around here. I love you very much much much! I wish that you have appreciate the poem that I've written for you. I always send it to your twitter account but I don't know if you notice it. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH! If you've read this letter please reply to my tweets and let me know what do you think of it. Thank you very much Ms. Sophie! xoxo."

                  That's it for my first IDOL BLOG I hope you've enjoy reading it! Love you a lotx!