Martes, Mayo 1, 2012

The World Needs a Change for a Better Future!

               Konnichiwa! In the past few days I've been busy about thinking for a campaign. I know this things will touch your hearts for a word "change". I know it's very hard to change someone/something but you know what? I'll give you a hint: Start changing yourself for the better you. :]
               I,also, start changing the bad sides of me because I can't be successful with these bad stuffs around me. So I've start from my simple habits.. like leaving the light on even when no one's using it, I'll immediately turn it off. Also when I put my laptop in the sleep mode, I realized it even consumes an amount of power. How about you.. How can you change yourself for a better future?
                Do you ask yourself these things:

Why can't war be illegal?
   Opinion: I think the war should be illegal because even some civillians are dying, soldiers are dying to fight for their country... Can't they just talk about it? How about the soldier's family they will also suffer/depressed for their loss. Murdering is illegal isn't it illegal to kill someone else just because for the sake of it. Ask yourself....... Why?

Why the children are abused?
   Opinion: The children shouldn't be abused to death and let them starve. Make them as a slave don't you think that it's right. Why do some parents punch/kick and abused their child because they did something wrong. Why don't you just talk to the child. Do you know what? On average, 25 children are killed each year by their very own parent. And in every five seconds, a child dies because of starvation. Why do they need to suffer like this? Why?

Why there are girls changing themselves to look beautiful?
   Opinion: Did you know that, girls see 400 advertisements a day telling them on how they should look? Why won't you love the real YOU. God created us beautiful He makes no mistakes. Why pity yourself because you're nose is flat? Your skin is dark? You have crinky hair? You have a big forehead? You have a big birthmark/mole in your face? Just love yourself don't listen to what other people say about you because you know what? Beauty is you! :]

Why women can't fight for their rights?
   Opinion: 1 out of 3 women are beaten. 683,000 rapes occur per year that's more than one per minute. As you can see, almost everyday the news contains some news for the young woman are raped and 61% of the victims are under 18 years old. and only 2% of the rapists are convicted. For me, I think some women are
afraid to tell someone if they are beaten because they are too afraid of what will happen. For the women around there, it's your time to stand out yourself and fight for your right!

Why do cigarettes exists?
    Opinion: The cigarettes shouldn't exist because they can harm the people who are using it and they are such thing called SECONDHAND SMOKERS they are the ones who smells the smoke coming from the lightened cigarettes didn't you know that these was also harmful for the body? Every 8 seconds, 1 person dies from tobacco use and every 1 minute 10 million cigarettes are sold and about 90,000 of the children starts smoking.

Start Small. Start Now!

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